
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Surprising Benefits of Banana! You better start eating Bananas!

Learn About Bananas:

Bananas are not just delicious they are extremely healthy, and banana contains many important nutrients and vitamins which are listed in this article. Originally most common bananas are native to Southeast Asia region, and there are different kind of them around the world.

Banana Types :

Here is a list of some banana types
Apple Banana, which is exceptionally sweet they are grown in rainy tropical forests in Hawaii. Their flesh is firm and has a slight pinkish tone.
Cavendish Banana, these are the most common ones that are long yellow and well known to almost anyone. slightly sweet and easily can be found in supermarkets.
Lady Finger Bananas, are smaller and sweeter than Cavendish, and also can be found in some super markets or dry fruit packages.
Pisang Raja, it is popular in Indonesia, where they are often used to make deep fried banana, also known as Musa Belle Bananas.
Red Bananas, there are many times of red bananas but they share two key structure in common, first is they look very fancy and inordinary and second they tend to be on the sweeter side of the banana, and when they are red they are ready to eat
Cooking Bananas, like Plantains, are better thought of as potatoes than as bananas. They can be roasted, steamed, fried as a chips and are starchy.

Some Benefits of Banana:

  1. Bananas help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin — the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter.
  2. Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar.
  3. Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and nighttime leg cramps by eating a banana.
  4. Counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones by supplementing with a banana.
  5. Improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms by eating a banana, which regulates blood sugar and produces stress-relieving relaxation.
  6. Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B-6.
  7. Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas.
  8. High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke.

Eating Bananas Aids Digestion

  1. Rich in pectin, bananas aid digestion and gently chelate toxins and heavy metals from the body.
  2. Bananas act as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel. They also produce digestive enzymes to assist in absorbing nutrients.
  3. Constipated? High fiber in bananas can help normalize bowel motility.
  4. Got the runs? Bananas are soothing to the digestive tract and help restore lost electrolytes after diarrhoea.
  5. Bananas are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux, heartburn and GERD.
  6. Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be consumed without distress to relieve stomach ulcers by coating the lining of the stomach against corrosive acids.

Natural Cures From A Simple Banana

  1. Eating bananas will help prevent kidney cancer, protects the eyes against macular degeneration and builds strong bones by increasing calcium absorption.
  2. Bananas make you smarter and help with learning by making you more alert. Eat a banana before an exam to benefit from the high levels of potassium.
  3. Bananas are high in antioxidants, providing protection from free radicals and chronic disease.
  4. Eating a banana between meals helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce nausea from morning sickness.
  5. Rub a bug bite or hives with the inside of the banana peel to relieve itching and irritation.
  6. Control blood sugar and avoid binging between meals by eating a banana.
  7. Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day.
  8. The natural mood-enhancer tryptophan, helps to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
  9. Quitting smoking? Bananas contain high levels of B-vitamins as well as potassium and magnesium to speed recovery from the effects of withdrawal.
  10. Remove a wart by placing the inside of a piece of banana peel against the wart and taping it in place.
  11. Rub the inside of a banana peel on your leather shoes or handbag and polish with a dry cloth for a quick shine.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Understanding The Energy Healing

What we should now about energy healing.

In this article we are not going to talk about what is energy since we already done it in another post , so please for more information about energy and human energy bodies please read The Human Energy System and Energy Bodies article. It is good to know and accept that energy is neither positive nor negative, either good nor bad, Energy is energy, it can be in different forms and shapes or frequencies and still be energy. We as human beings like to label things so we can discourse about them or compare them. So the term positive or negative energy is not because the energy is bad or good, evil or light, in energy healing these terms are used to indicate when a healer uses energy flow to heal so that is called positive energy and when energy is trapped, blocked, discordant or disharmonious it can be referred as negative energy.
Energy healing has been used from very ancient times and civilizations both in religious practice and and healing.  Different beliefs may have some ingredient in how the energy works or who energy healing should be done. However, they all do the same and all are focused to balance the flow of energy in human body and between chakras, to open the flow of energy so that body will function in healthy shape. Some times because of emotions, accidents (physical or mental) not just physical body get affected also the energy body does get affected by these accidents and causes, and in these cases energy can be blocked or trapped in some part of body which will led to develop some sort of illness, discomfort of any kind. Studies how shown many people suffer from emotional pains, pains that feels physical but in the same time they have healthy physical body, these could be an example of energy being trapped. 
And now you may ask what is the role of energy healer, and how that helps to unblock negative energies and heal illnesses. Well we can put it in a very simple way, the healer is the connection and additional flow of energy (positive) which supports the block energy (negative) to start moving and flowing in a balanced way, in order to do this healing sometimes it is needed to flow in the energy and flow it out, And it is usually done by hands.  

Issues and conditions that can be treated by energy healing.

Energy healing can improve and heal variety of issues and discomforts such as emotional, mental, and physical like sadness, depression, discomfort, stress, anxiety, spasm, pains, dis-functioning organs, unbalanced health, and in some cases a lot more serious illness and issues. Remember our body is like a electronic circuit all the connections should be clear and well connected in order for electrons to move and every part functions correctly, a little disconnection may cause very serious issues that we cant even think of the reason could be so simple. Imagine drinking water is very good and healthy suggestion that all doctors do suggest to their patients however drinking of too much water will cause loosing minerals such as sodium and very likely ending up very ill and dead, in the same time consuming of salt, sodium , is not considered as a healthy choice and been told to avoid as much as possible, but body needs certain level of sodium to function correctly, Energy healing does effect the functioning of any part of the body that is in unbalanced mode, and that may cause another part to react differently therefore it may health an illness and discomfort that we could not even thought it can be healed. 

Learning about energy healing techniques.

I believe throw history we have heard and seen many types of energy healing either using hands or not. Mostly hands are used in energy healing, one of the well known energy healing techniques is Reiki which Reiki itself has different styles such as Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Angelic Reiki, and Rainbow Reiki. Remote healing,  Psychic surgery and Massage therapy are some other forms of energy healing as well, in energy healing either with touch or no touch energy can be transformed from a host to an other, however usually the healer is the connector rather than the source of the energy therefore the healer is not loosing any positive energy as a matter of fact they get more positive flow of energy because they are connected to universal positive source of energy. 

Simple techniques of energy healing that we do in daily bases.

Now we learn about energy healing I am sure every one of you would like to have hands on this ancient knowledge and use the benefits of our own abilities which we have been born and created with. You may have not been pay attention much and mean time have been using energy healing all the time, just remember how many times when something happened your parents hugged you and instantly you felt lifting a pressure out of you, or a touch make a pain almost gone or reduced noticeably. A loving word fixed you up instantly like you didn't had an emotional discomfort. Imagination and though of being and caring about someone how it helped them in a journey that you may have heard from soldier that they claim they believe it was because of their moms prayer and protection that this or that didn't happened to them. Well yes you have been already experiencing and using energy healing by instinct, and that is because this is who we are and that is what our body and mind is capable of, we are born to support each other and this is an other reason to proof that to ourselves. 
Now try these simple and quick techniques to improve your health and situations in daily bases.
When you have an opportunity to hug a loved one or anyone who you feel okay to just go for it and give it a sincere and loving both giving and receiving hug, remember energy needs to flow so be a giver and the receiver, feel and imagine the positivity flowing through you.
When you have some sort of pain or discomfort put your hands on the area and relax your mind, focus and imagine flow of the healing energy, and you will feel less pain almost instantly. This techniques does work very well if a loved one puts their hands on the area, simply because they sincerely wants to support you and get you out of the pain, and they may be much more in comfort and relax mood than you are in the pain, also they make a connection between universal positive energy and you.

Practice and study to be a healer.

I am sure many of you that have read all of this article have some interest on learning more about energy healing, maybe just to know more, or improve your life, or support others. To learn energy healing I always say there is no solid rule written on the stone although some practices believe that is not true and a healer has to go through some processes and follow some rules in order to heal and give healing. Well if you are interested on studying this subject in professional level and know about many discipline  and techniques then you it would be better to find a healing master and learn from them, nowadays there are many who called themselves masters so they can teach others and that is your choice to choose what to learn from who you learn, However, I invite you to explore your inner world your calling, instinct and feelings find it  in yourself without being thought, and when you have found what you have been seeking you can study different subjects and techniques from courses or healers. I recommend reading some books about energy healing, healing hands, healing code, and Reiki. Also online courses are very good source to begin with as well.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Introduction to Chakras and Energy Vortex

Introduction to Chakras:

Perhaps many of you have heard of chakras and have idea or know what chakra is and where they are located and maybe more. Here in this article I will go over the basic information of chakras such as what is chakra and meaning of it, also where they are located and each one is standing for what purpose or meaning. Chakras are known as 7 main chakras, however. there are more chakra spots in our body than 7, in fact we can consider every inch of our body as a chakra, and these seven chakras are considered as the large and main chakras.

What is Chakra and where are they located:

Chakras from Sanskrit means wheel or circle, and are energy centers on our physical and our energy body which are working as a doorway or receptors to our inner self and our being. If you remember from the last post and energy body, we have some sort of magnetic fields around us and they have different layers which can be seen by specific cameras in different colors, major part of chakras are located in and on our physical body however chakras like the root and crown are located in our energy body or aura, which sometimes you may heard that they are outside of our body, however. since we know that our body is not just the physical therefore they are still on and in our body, and each of them creates energy vortex and are the doorway to absorb outside energies or sent and project ours to outside, also to circulate our own energy to make it flow and actually these chakras and vortexes are created because of the flow of energy each live being has. 

What is Energy Vortex:

Basically energy vortex can be imagined as a whole that energy is spinning and getting into or projecting out of that spot. The vortex means whirling moving rapidly round and round imagine something like tornado, each chakras has spots in our body which are live energy vortexes, and  can absorb energy or project our energy out. By understanding of this fact you pretty much have the idea how energy healing works on body as well as feelings generated from our environment and people we meet, Although the human body has more energy posts and chakras still we focus on 7 main chakras which have their own meaning, vibration and reaction to that vibration that's why they are showed and known by different colors since colors have their own vibration and meaning.

Seven (7) main chakras and their properties:

Here are list of seven (7) main chakras and their location in our body as well as some basic
information and properties of each chakras. in the future we will go over each chakra in more detail and talk about how we use our knowledge about chakras, and what now that we discovered another part of our body that we didn't know much about, and we will talk about some healing techniques and  the role of chakras on daily interactions and environmental effects and emotions that is transferred or created in us.

1- Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The first of the seven energy centers and it is associated with element of earth. And the meaning of this chakra is Root Support.
Color: Red
Location: Perineum base of tailbone and almost outside of physical body.
Sense associated with root chakra is smell
Sound: Lam

2- Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

The second chakra is associated with element of water, and the meaning of this chakra is One's Own Place.
Color: Orange
Location: Pelvis Sacrum
Sense associated with sacral chakra is taste.
Sound: Vam

3- Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Third chakra is associated with element of Fire, and the meaning of this chakra is Lustrous Gem.
Color: Yellow
Location: Solar Plexus
Sense associated with solar plexus is sight.
Sound: Ram

4- Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Heart chakra where we connected to each others souls, is associated with element of Air. And the meaning of heart chakra is Unstruck.
Color: Green
Location: Heart Center.
Sense associated with this chakra is  Touch.
Sound: Yam

5- Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

This chakra affects on our communication level and when we open up to speak. The element of this chakra is Sound, and its meaning is Purity.
Color: Blue
Location: Throat
Sense associated with this chakra is Hearing.
Sound: Ham

6- Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Third eye all opening knowledge to past present and future, associated with element of Light. And the meaning of Command.
Color: Indigo
Location: Brow Center, in the brain above the base of the nose.
Sense associated with third eye is Intuition/ESP/6th sense.
Sound: Om

7- Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Connection to other world and the source, associated with element of Thought. and the meaning is Thousand-spoked.
Color: Violet
Location: Above the head, Crown. Sense associated with crown chakra is beyond any senses, unknown to us.
Sound: (Silence) Also Om is used in most of the times since the sign of this chakra is known as OM

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Human Energy System and Energy Bodies

Understanding of Energy

First and foremost it is good to clear the meaning of energy, according to general physics energy never been created and nor destroyed it is been transferred and transformed from some type to another. Mostly everyone is familiar to Atomic energy, heat,light,current, and wind as of energy well it is because these our most used types of energy resources however in reality everything is considered as energy, science knows as much as everything visible to eye or invisible is basicly group of similar atoms with same signature. Atoms can vibrate in different level, which is actually the electron that vibrates and number of electrons and protons in the atom also makes it unique, and normally number of electrons and protons are equal which makes atoms electrically neutral. The number of protons in an atom is defining feature of an atom, it is what makes one element different from another. Now we know that generally Atom is energy and everything is made out of atom, therefore everything is energy in essence. Very interesting and important characteristic of atoms is that 99.999999999999% of an atom is empty space, so now the question is if only 0.000000000001% of an atom is solid that means anything we see is only 0.000000000001% solid and 99.999999999999% is empty, just imagine the wall front of you if it is 99.999999999999% nothingness then how other solid objects aren't getting right through it, this rises the understanding of vibration which Albert Einstein has in his theories if we can shift our bodies molecular and atomic level vibration we can pass through something or we can be invisible. The vibration of the atom makes the illusion of solidity, imagine a fan rotating very fast all you see is a solid rounded plane, something similar is happening with atoms, therefore we interact with different elements in different level based on their atomic structure and vibration. Now that we understood the energy and elements around us including ourselves are a sort of energy, it is easy to understand how everything have some sort of influence and affect on everything else in surrounding, we will talk about feng shui and energy healing and more in future articles, and for now we will go over the basic knowledge of human energy body system and blueprint.

Five Layers of Human Energy Fields

Energy bodies are known as five main layers including physical body which is well known to everyone. However, the spiritual plane body itself contains different layers which we call it subtle bodies, and mental body could be separated to two layers which is lower mental and higher mental. if you are asking where all these layers and bodies are coming from which is very great question, and here is the answer; as I explained earlier in this article about energy and vibration and how atoms are vibrating and creating a physical and solid matters in the same time they have magnetic field generated around themselves, which basicly we call it aura, the human aura is that electromagnetic field surrounding the body which consists of multiple and different layers and by using advance technology and cameras it is possible to take an image of aura layers which will show the layers in different sort of shades and color, those layers are the energy body layers.

1- The Physical body

Lowest in frequency Regulates the human body. And generally we think of ourselves as physical body which is the first layer of existing body, so this article may help you to understand there is more to yourself than what you see and feel by touching our skin, and perhaps you may realize that we have more senses than 5 since those 5 senses are only from physical body, we will talk about other senses in future posts.

The Etheric body

This layer is blueprint for the physical structure that it surrounds. There is also an etheric human energy field for the soul. And everything that exists in physical plane has its own subtle etheric body counterpart. The human etheric body is the vibrating web of energy from which our energetic blueprint is created. It is also gray or gray-blue in color and it also has been referred to holograph of physical body.

The Emotional Body

This layer regulates the emotional state of the organism. and it is unique to each individual like the fingerprint, it contains all our emotions and feelings including those created by unresolved issues from other life times or from our ancestors and whom of our moms. The emotional body functions outside of third dimensional reality and so has no recognition of time.

The Mental Body

Mental field which contain lower and higher mental fields, processes ideas, thoughts and beliefs. Lower mental stores and transmits all our thought patterns and mental processes. The higher mental body is the layer of energy linked to heart chakra dn is therefore a bridge from physical to the spiritual layer.

The Spiritual Body

Spiritual field or plane contains Ketheric body, Celestial body, Etheric, Astral body. 
Etheric template holds the highest ideals for existence.
Celestial field accesses universal energies and serves as a template for the etheric fields.
In the spiritual body level there is a merger of all aspects of all the subtle bodies as well as the essence of the physical, and is linked to crown chakra.

Causal and Soul Bodies

beside these fields and bodies there is Causal body and Soul body 
The causal body is the layer of energy beyond the higher mental body and is linked to the throat chakra and the causal chakra at the back of the head. and This is the doorway to higher consciousness and links to personality to the collective consciousness of the planet.
The soul body holds the essence of our spirit, the part of us that is a God like inspiration and spiritual visions filter down to the soul/

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day 2017

Happy father's day from United Spirituality to all amazing fathers which with their experience and living we learned good and bad, no matter how good or bad they were or what amazing things or mistakes they done, they gave us opportunity of experiencing all of that with out feeling it on our skin, they gave us a chance to learn from their success and their mistakes to create a better version of us. Here are selection of short stories from different people very inspiring and interesting stories to share with you all in father's day, wish you all will enjoy.

by Nancy Perkins, St. Johns, Michigan
My dad died unexpectedly at age 78, leaving our family heartbroken. During the funeral mass, my sister felt her phone vibrate in her purse. She was a little surprised that someone would be calling her, knowing she was at dad’s funeral mass. Afterward, she found there was a message: “Hi, this is your dad,” said the male voice. “I wanted to let you know I made it home.” The caller obviously had the wrong number, but the message was clear. My dad had completed his journey to heaven and wanted us to know. Thanks, Dad—until we meet again.

THERE’S ALWAYS A FIRSTby Debbie Gunn, Bothell, Washington
My dad delivered bread for a living. We enjoyed each other’s company, so he’d drive home at lunchtime and I’d go with him. One day, we delivered to a large grocery store. When we pulled in back, the manager saw me and said, “I heard it’s your birthday, so go pick out anything in our toy aisle free.” I excitedly grabbed some paper dolls, but the big surprise was still ahead. Dad, the store manager, and the employees stood with a huge lit cake, singing me “Happy Birthday.” I’d turned seven, and this was my first-ever birthday party. Thanks, Dad!

by Mary Ellen Raneri, Latrobe, Pennsylvania
My dad sat straight up in bed and smiled at me. Even though his mouth was crusted with fever sores, he grinned a big grin from his unshaven face. Dementia had completely taken him from me—or so I thought, until he spoke to me. “Honey,” Dad almost seemed to sing the words. “What are you doing here?”  My throat muscles ached from trying to talk and not cry. Choking back my tears, I half-sobbed, “Daddy, I’m here to especially see you. I love you, you know.” “Me too, honey,” he whispered. Then, still smiling, Daddy fell asleep.

by Rudy Berdine, Irvine, California
My dad owned a fruit market on a busy street. The sidewalk in front of his store collected dust and trash, which needed to be swept daily. At age six, I used to hide behind bags of potatoes when my dad asked me to sweep, but while sweeping one day, I began to find dollar bills under the dust and trash. I had no idea where the money came from. My dad had been putting money on the sidewalk—and soon, I was happy to sweep even when no money was found.

A LESSON IN PATIENCEby Robert Cronce, Brown City, Michigan
In the spring of 1960, I was riding with my dad on his milk route. He spotted a small turtle crossing the road, stopped to pick it up, and put in the glove compartment. He told me not to play with it until we got home. Of course, when he got back to the truck at our subsequent stop to pick up milk cans, I was crying over a fresh bite on my finger. The moral of the story: It’s wise to follow instructions. And if you are going to poke something, use a stick instead of your finger.
by Carmen Mariano, Braintree, Massachusetts
I sat in my dad’s living room reading one night while he watched television. An hour passed before I realized it, and I felt bad for not speaking during that time. I asked if he was OK, and he said yes. Then I apologized for not talking more. “Carmen,” Dad replied. “Talking is like ketchup. If you like the meat enough, you don’t need the ketchup—and if you like the company enough, you don’t need the conversation.” My dad never earned a college degree, but he was the smartest person I ever knew.

by Rachel O’Connor, Westtown, New York
“Linda, look at the map!” My father slammed on the brakes, glaring at my mom. He didn’t believe in excessive planning, and so each summer we embarked on a spontaneous family road trip that didn’t always go smoothly. There were lots of late-night panics to find hotels, stops to ask for directions, and elevated tempers. One night, we picked up a hitchhiker somewhere in Kentucky. As we blasted the radio and my dad bought us all ice cream, the hitchhiker told me he’d give his life to have what I had.

BIG SHOES TO FILLby Theresa Arnold, Tioga, Texas
I cleaned out Dad’s closet yesterday. There were two things I couldn’t box up: his work shirts and his two pairs of Red Wing boots. He couldn’t remember birthdays or anniversaries, but he remembered the date on which he’d bought his first pair. I remember it too—April 16, the day after Tax Day. What does a child do with her dad’s favorite boots? I think I will make a planter out of them or use them to store something valuable. You can’t throw away a man’s favorite boots. You’ve got to keep them and pass them down.

by Lucia Paul, Plymouth, Minnesota
My dad was a gardener before it was cool. He would proudly tell people, “I can grow just about anything.” He could—except for my beloved lilacs. He tried everything, with no luck or lilacs to show for his efforts. One night when I was a teen, it was raining in that way it does in Minnesota in April: violent and cleansing. I heard the creak of the side door, and he stood soaking wet, etched with scratches, holding an abundance of lilacs. “I found a secret lilac spot,” he said. “It wasn’t easy, but I got them.” That’s how he got everything.

Friday, June 16, 2017


Crystals have been used for thousands of years and it is nothing new to healers or modern days new age believers. In nature everything has its own atomic vibration and they do vibrate in different frequencies therefore their effect might be different to their environment, what is more interesting about crystals they are very magical, it seems they are alive and responding to their environment, for such a crystals it takes tens of years to form and created, we learned in life anything that takes very long time and constant working to be created is very special and expensive, here is the same with crystals they are not just a piece of rock or stone. Crystals are known to energy healers, traditional healers, even not healers, jewelers and ancient knowledge like pagans which they pay much attention to nature and natural phenomenon. even in newer religions such as Christianity, Judaism, or Islam different stones and crystals been used to decorate or create special jewelleries for their spiritual leaders. Most of the time people and even those leaders never pay attention to the origin of the uses of those type of jewelries, and here we are introducing a basic meaning and understanding to these 10 crystals which each one have their specific healing energy and power. Crystals can help or improve certain discomforts such as anxiety, stress, and emotional unbalanced issues, they promote positive energy, and can help with certain health issues. Keeping crystals around the house or wearing them as jewelry or using them or energy healing and meditation can be a supportive and helpful to achieve peaceful and happy life.

Number 1 and my Favorite: A M E T H Y S T

Amethysts help to relieve headaches and fatigue, promotes good dreams and good skin, supports bones & joints as well as the respiratory system. And it does serve a purpose in crystal therapy to promote physical and emotional healing, and spiritual growth.


Number 2: O P A L


Opal is a stone of inspiration which enhances imagination and creativity. It can bring inspiration to projects and to life and Spirit. Its own spirit is at times like that of a child spontaneously playing, dashing color wherever it  pleases. Carrying this imaginative spontaneity into the realm of you life can bring strong creativity.Opals help with PMS and headaches and increases inspiration and creativity. 


Number 3: Q U A R T Z


Quartz enhances energy and focus (perfect for students), eases stress and anxiety, and also clears away negative energy.


Number 4: 



Jade is the stone of the heart, therefore used to attract and enhance love of all kinds. It is also used physically for lung problems, kidney problems, and immune system weakness.


Number 5: 

L A P I S  L A Z U L I


Lapis Lazuli, a combination of minerals, is used for protection and mental clarity. Its physical healing powers are said to help insomnia, headaches, and sinus ailments.


Number 6: 

C I T R I N E 


Citrine is the prosperity stone, it gives bright energies of good fortune and good luck and is also used to clear negative energy.


Number 7: 



Bloodstone is excellent for centering and grounding. It is said to help with calming and to be particularly good for helping emotional traumas and grief.


Number 8: 



Agate is a stone of strength and was used by ancient warriors to make them victorious in battle! Emotionally, agate gives courage, emotional strength, self-confidence, and rids of fears.


Number 9: O N Y X


Black Onyx is used to increase stamina and self-control and assists with challenges in life.


Number 10: G A R N E T


Garnet is known to help with nightmares and is said to dispel and relieve depression. It’s also known to help alleviate back pain, ADD/ADHD, and for the immune system.

Places and Ways to Use Crystals

In the garden

In a bowl your zen garden

As a jewelry

Keep them in your pocket or purse

Placing them around the house