Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Understand and Open your Sacral Chakra- Swadhisthana

To watch the video please scroll down, we suggest to read before watching.

What is Chakra, and why should I care about it?

To learn about Chakras please check the following link and read the article "Introduction to Chakras and Energy Vortex". Overall in basic chakras are energy vortexes positioned on our body which means physical and energy bodies and to learn more about energy bodies please read the following article "The Human Energy System and Energy Bodies". Chakras are absorbing and projecting energy from inside and out which effect our physical, emotional and mental health. So that if we learn about each chakra and their achar to our physical, emotional and mental bodies and health then we may have a way to fix, heal and recover from difficulties.

Sacral Chakra - The Second Chakra:

Sacral chakra or Svadhisthana is located below the belly button area and lower abdomen, and it is associated with color of orange. each chakras has their own color and frequencies and vibration that they get effect and get affected by so if we eat, watch and play with more orange color in our life it does direct link to our root chakra. The sound waves are vibrations and playing an specific note or frequency will affect corresponding chakra, and the frequency associated with root chakra is 417 Hz which in ancient solfeggio scale RE and playing it is known to produces energy to bring change, and it clears traumatic experiences and destructive influences of past events. This frequency puts you in connection with an inexhaustible source of energy that allows you to change your life. and it can be played as the note G#3 or Ab3 (Sol # or La b) in just intonation scale and tuning.

Properties Associated with Root Chakra:

Here are different properties and information associated with second chakra - The Sacral Chakra. It is somehow important to understand most of them to heal, feed and keep your chakra open and healthy, pay attention to physical and psychological function which is movement and connection as well as womb and genitals, have you felt powerless, unsatisfied ? too much worries and low self steam in some cases, this chakra is connected to emotional balance, sexuality and intimate relationships as well, lack of intimacy can affect this chakra and imbalance your sacral chakra. I will provide some affirmations which is great to practice in the morning or evening before bed.

  • Sanskrit name: Swadhisthana - sweetness
  • Element: Water
  • Color: Orange
  • Shape: Circle with crescent
  • Petals of the lotus: Six
  • Seed sound: VANG (Vam)
  • Vowel sound: Oo
  • Rights: To feel, to want
  • Endocrine gland: Ovaries, testicles
  • Physical association: Womb, genitals, kidney, bladder
  • Psychological function: Movement and connection
  • Identity: Emotional
  • Developmental stage: 6 months- 2 years
  • Challenge: Guilt
  • Plane: Astral plane
  • Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Moon
  • Deity: Indra, Rakini, Vishnu
  • Mythological Animal: Makara (Mythical Crocodile)
  • Animals: Crocodile, Alligator, Fish, Badger, Dolphins, Elephant
  • Sense organ: Sexual organs
  • Predominant sense: Touch and taste
  • Incense: Gardenia, damiana
  • Essential Oils: Rosemary, sandal wood, Jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang
  • Herb: Fennel, Coriander
  • Sephira: Yesod
  • Tarot suit: Cups

Affirmations for Root Chakra:

  • I am creative and adaptable
  • I Love and enjoy my body
  • I am passionate
  • I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses
  • I value and respect my body
  • I allow myself to experience pleasure
  • I take good care of my physical body
  • I am at peace
  • Emotions are the language of my soul
  • I am open to touch and closeness
  • I have healthy boundaries
  • I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water
  • I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath i take
  • I know how to take care of my needs
  • My sexuality is sacred

Opening Swadhisthana Chakra and Activating your Sacral Chakra:

Choose a quiet place without distraction and extra noises that would interrupt your process, take a comfortable position which you won't feel any pressure of any kind and also can hear and see the video easily and clearly. We suggest that you use headphone or earphones for this purpose. Start with relaxing yourself and meditating before watching the video, very short and simple relaxation start with three deep breath and close your eyes, take a deep breath and hold for moments then slowly release through the mouth, count from 3 to 1 and by each count feel more relaxed, loose your facial muscles and jaw then your shoulders and so on, on the next count down feel the heavy and go deep, and tell yourself relax when you feel that you are losing focus or need to be relax, then make an intention of healing, opening and activating your sacral chakra, imagine an orange ball of fire under your belly button the lower abdomen on your second chakra cleansing and opening the flow of energy. then take a breath and slowly open your eyes, hit the play and listen and watch the video.

Monday, July 31, 2017

All You Need to know About The Root Chakra & Opening your Muladhara

To watch the video please scroll down, we suggest to read before watching.

What is Chakra, and why should I care about it?

To learn about Chakras please click on the link and read the article "Introduction to Chakras and Energy Vortex". Overall in basic chakras are energy vortexes positioned on our body which means physical and energy bodies and to learn more about energy bodies please read the following article "The Human Energy System and Energy Bodies". Chakras are absorbing and projecting energy from inside and out which effect our physical, emotional and mental health. So that if we learn about each chakra and their achars to our physical, emotional and mental bodies and health then we may have a way to fix, heal and recover from difficulties.

Root Chakra - The First Chakra:

Root chakra or Muladhara is located below and around the genital area of body it covers some part of physical and energy bodies as well, and it is associated with color of red. each chakras has their own color and frequencies and vibration that they get effect and get affected by so if we eat, watch and play with more red color in our life it does direct link to our root chakra. The sound waves are vibrations and playing an specific note or frequency will affect corresponding chakra, and the frequency associated with root chakra is 396 Hz which in ancient solfeggio scale UT and playing it is known to release any guilt and fear also it helps to clear negative ideas and beliefs from subconscious level. The note G3 (Sol) in just intonation scale and tuning.

Properties Associated with Root Chakra:

Here are different properties and information associated with first chakra - The Root Chakra. It is somehow important to understand most of them to heal, feed and keep your chakra open and healthy, pay attention to psychological function which is Survival and self preservation, have you felt unstable, too worried about your position in life or financial wise, a worries that comes from nowhere and is unnecessary, that is a sign to balance and open your root chakra. I will provide some affirmations which is great to practice in the morning or evening before bed.

  • Sanskrit name: Muladhara - root support
  • Element: Earth
  • Color: Red
  • Shape: Square
  • Petals of the lotus: Four
  • Seed sound: LANG (Lam)
  • Vowel sound: O
  • Rights: To have
  • Endocrine gland: Adrenal cortex
  • Physical association: The skeletal structure, teeth, large intestine, kidneys, blood
  • Psychological function: Survival and self preservation
  • Identity: Physical identity
  • Developmental stage: Womb to 12 months
  • Challenge: Fear
  • Plane: Physical plane
  • Planets: Saturn, Earth
  • Deity: Brahma, Dakini, Ganesha
  • Mythological Animal: White elephant with seven trunks
  • Sense organ: Nose
  • Predominant sense: Smell
  • Incense: Cedar
  • Herb: Sage
  • Sephira: Malkuth
  • Tarot suit: Pentacles

Affirmations for Root Chakra:

  • I Love life
  • I Love and trust myself
  • I feel deeply rooted, or I feel deeply connected to earth
  • I am connected to my body
  • I am connected to all that is
  • I feel safe and secure
  • I am grounded, stable, and standing on my own two feet
  • I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to grow and transform
  • I trust in the goodness of life
  • I am open to possibilities
  • Just like a tree or a star, I have a right to be here
  • I stand for my values, for truth, and for justice
  • I nurture my body with healthy food, clean water, exercise, relaxation, and connection with nature
  • I make choice that are healthy and good for me
  • I have what I need

Opening Muladhara Chakra and Activating your Root Chakra:

Choose a quiet place without distraction and extra noises that would interrupt your process, take a comfortable position which you won't feel any pressure of any kind and also can hear and see the video easily and clearly. We suggest that you use headphone or earphones for this purpose. Start with relaxing yourself and meditating before watching the video, very short and simple relaxation start with three deep breath and close your eyes, take a deep breath and hold for moments then slowly release through the mouth, count from 3 to 1 and by each count feel more relaxed, loose your facial muscles and jaw then your shoulders and so on, on the next count down feel the heavy and go deep, and tell yourself relax when you feel that you are losing focus or need to be relax, then make an intention of healing, opening and activating your root chakra, imagine a ball of fire under your belly on your root chakra cleansing and opening the flow of energy. then take a breath and slowly open your eyes, hit the play and listen and watch the video.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Mudra - The Healing Power of Your Hands

Mudra Power of your hand 

We know about energy and energy healing using hands and power that can be transfer by hand, and did you know  that your hands maintain an innate recuperation electricity which have been used for centuries?

Mudras are positions of the arms which can be stated to steer the strength of your physical, emotional and non secular frame. And sometimes people refer to them as Yoga of hands, although it is been used in yoga and meditation.

mudras had been used within the east for lots of years and were practiced by way of many non secular leaders together with buddha. nowadays, mudras are nevertheless utilized in yoga and meditation.

now and again we may additionally subconsciously vicinity our hands into Mudra positions without even understanding it and different times we can use them to help channel and stimulate recovery.

there are hundreds of mudras but right here are a number of the most common:

1 - Gyan Mudra (Mudra of Knowledge):

The tip of the index finger touches the tip of the thumb while the other fingers remain straight.
Benefits: Enhances knowledge, stimulates the pituitary and endocrine glands, increases memory, helps meditation, prevents insomnia, can boost mood and bring clarity.
Practice: Any time while sitting, standing or lying in bed.

2 - Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth): 

The tip of the ring finger touches the thumb while the other fingers remain straight out.
Benefits: reduces physical and spiritual weaknesses, can increase the life force, can help clear skin, promotes body functionality.
Practice: Any time.

3 - Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Water): 

The tip of the pinky finger touches the thumb while the other fingers remain straight up.
Benefits: helps to balance emotions and helps to retain water. Helps to relieve constipation and cramps. Can also help regulate menstrual cycles and hormonal conditions.
Practice: 15 minutes three times a day.

4 - Vayu Mudra (Mudra of Air): 

The thumb wraps over the index finger while the rest of the fingers remain straight.
Benefits: helps to calm an anxious mind, soothe a strained voice and can help decrease stress. Can also help reduce impatience and indecisiveness.
Practice: 10 to 15 minutes, 3 times per day.

5 - Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness): 

The tip of the thumb presses the middle finger down while the rest of the fingers stand straight up.

Benefits: reduces dullness in the body and can also be highly effective for ear aches. Can help restore confidence and boost mental cognition.
Practice: 40-60 minutes daily or for an earache- 4 to 5 minutes.

6 - Surya Mudra (Mudra of the Sun): 

Bend the ring finger under the thumb while the rest of the fingers remain straight.
Benefits: helps stimulate the thyroid gland, helps to alleviate weight gain and reduces appetite, stimulates digestion, helps relieve anxiety and stress. Helps to guide you to your purpose.
Practice: 5 to 15 minutes, twice daily.

7 - Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life): 

The ring and pinky finger both bend to meet the thumb while the index and middle finger remain pointed straight up.
Benefits: improves the life force, helps to strengthen the mind, body and spirit, helps promote taking action, improves immunity and motivation. Helps enhance vision and reduces fatigue.
Practice: Any time.

8 - Apana Mudra (Mudra of Digestion): 
The middle and ring finger are bent under the thumb while the pinky and index finger stand straight up.
Benefits: helps to regulate the excretory system, helps detoxify and stimulates bowel movements. Helpful at relieving constipation and piles.
Practice: 45 minutes daily

9 - Apana Vayu Mudra (Mudra of the Heart): 

The index finger bends to touch the base of the thumb while the middle and ring finger bend to touch the tip of the thumb. The pinky finger remains stretched out.
Benefits: stimulates healing of the heart and helps physically protect the heart. Can also help reduce gas and heart burn.
Practice: 15 minutes, twice daily

10 - Linga Mudra (Mudra of Heat): 

Interlock the fingers of both hands but keep the thumb of the left hand pointing up. Take the right thumb and wrap it around the thumb so it touches the index finger of the right hand.
Benefits: helps to stimulate heat in the body, helps reduce phlegm and congestion, good for strengthening the lungs, helps to invigorate and balance the body.
Practice: Any time but do not over practice.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

What is Sound Bath

Understand what is sound baths and although it is fun and refreshing but it is not a form of entertainment.

Sound bath practitioners are not necessary musicians or music performers, although they play many instrument from standard musical instrument to non-standard like singing bowls. They use various instruments as tools to facilitate a shift in the participant's consciousness. They strip away the structural elements of music like rhythm and arrangement. When instruments are played in an harmonized way, the result is a slowdown of your brainwaves, shifting from a more active state "beta" to a more relaxed dreamlike state "alpha". This experience doesn't requires your attention and observation like you are in a concert. A sound bath strips away the condensed structural elements that music has such as rhythm, arrangement, and performance. It's not about analyzing any these elements; it’s a facilitation into a deeper state and an opportunity to unplug from this hyperactive reality to gain perspective with what's going on within you. And if you enter a sound bath with the intent of analyzing what instruments are creating the sounds, it could ultimately take longer for you to settle into that relaxed state. Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing. Whether through the use of mantras as with the Hindis, the Icaros, medicine melodies, of various Indigenous peoples from Central and South America, or Pythagoras' use of interval and frequency, these various techniques all have the same intention: to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance.

How does sound healing work?

Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and it then becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur). This same concept is utilized in meditation by regulating the breath, but with sound it's the frequency that is the agent which influences the shift.

Everyone may reacts differently to the sound and vibration.

Our body, mind, and spirit hold the energetic imprints of all of our experiences, and sound vibrations have a way of shaking things up. This may bring up some stored emotions sometimes, it may take us to wonderland and feel we lost ourselves in waves. It sometimes could be unease because of energies and emotional memories we hold in our body. You just need to let yourself relax and close your eyes, be preset and listen to sounds. And if you start feeling uncomfortable because of feeling too open in a new environment with others or any memory or feelings may came to you, it is very helpful to just calm yourself down and tell yourself it is fine and relax, start breathing take a deep inhales and deep exhales and keep your arms open focus on your breathing and the sound it will lead you to higher relaxation and releasing tensions and worries.

Take the time to find a great sound bath.

This experience can be very powerful, so you should make sure that any facilitator you visit has studied sound healing. Even though some musicians might have the best intentions when they use phrases like "sound healing" or "sound bath" to promote their events, it's extremely important to understand that facilitating a sound bath should not be about an individual's desire to express themselves to an audience, It is about serving the community, while enjoying the playing the instrument and both guiding the participants by sound and let the energy lead them. To feel and able to follow intuitions play and movements is one of the most important keys that I can personally point it out.
At the end of this article you will find a reference to an event by "Be The Change Energy Center" from my personal experience I recommend if you had a chance to experience sound bath anywhere else or not this is a good place to start or embrace your experience.  

You don't need to know how to meditate before you go to a sound bath.

What's so amazing about sound baths is that even first-timers and people who haven't done meditation or think they don't know how to do or what to do while they are relaxing in sound bath session, they can accrue their benefits while the sound and vibration guides your brain and energy body to follow through and get to meditative state of mind. After all, everyone has a relationship with sound. Sound has a direct impact on our whole being. Also good to mention, sound baths don't require much discipline that some form of meditation may have. You don't need to be a well-practiced yogi or self-care practitioner in order to have a profound and positive experience with sound. In fact, a sound bath can serve as a gateway to these practiced by introducing you to what it feels like when calmness enters the mind.
 Oceans of Sound - Sound Bath JUN 9 2017