Herbal Remedies and Native Americans
Medical treatment using herbs has been recognized as being older than man's intelligence. Such herbal treatment has been seen in animals' instinctive use of plants to help cure certain ailments. For example, a dog hunted a special grass to eat when it has become ill, a mother bear has dressed a wound on her cub with leaves, and a horse lacking vitamins and minerals has eaten certain plants and bark from trees (Weiner,1972). Today people have continued to use herbs with medicinal chemicals daily, usually without realizing the values of such plants. Herbal tea, a popular drink, has contained fluoride, a chemical used in preventing tooth decay. Coca-Cola was originally based on an herbal remedy used for headaches. Aspirin was created from two plants: white willow and meadowsweet. Often, however, even with these examples, lack of knowledge has prevented health professionals and health educators from teaching or supporting herbal healing. Nevertheless, the World Health Organization has estimated that two-thirds of the world's population has 14Herbal 3 depended on healing herbs for primary medicines (Castleman, 1991).
For thousands of years Native Americans have used herbs to, not only heal the body, but, also to purify the spirit and bring balance into their lives and their surroundings. Oral traditions indicate that they learned about the healing powers of herbs and other plants by watching sick animals. There are no written records of herbal use by the indigenous people of America prior to the first contact between Europeans and the tribes. However, this changed as Native Americans shared their knowledge of how to use nature's medicines with the new settlers.
While there were hundreds of herbs and plants used in Native American remedies, one of the most sacred was Tobacco, which was used healing numerous conditions, as well as in rituals and ceremonies. It was smoked pure and not mixed with any chemicals as it is today.
Another very important herb to the Native Americans was Sage, which was said to not only heal multiple problems of the stomach, colon, kidneys, liver, lungs, skin, and more, it was also believed to protect against bad spirits and to draw them out of the body or the soul.
I have listed 31 herbal remedies here hope you will add some useful herbal remedy information from this list to your library.
31 Healing herbs Used by Native Americans

Relieves digestion and is used to aid blood clotting. Contemporary uses included treatment of arthritis, bladder and kidney conditions and bone strength. Enhances the immune system.

A cactus-like plant. The thick leaves can be squeezed to extrude a thick sap that can be used to treat burns, insect bites and wounds.

The inner bark or xylem is used in a tea to treat fever, coughs and pain. It contains salicin, which also is found in willow trees and is the foundation ingredient for aspirin.

When mixed with food it can boost energy, aid digestion and enhance the immune system. If you’re allergic to bee stings you will most likely be allergic to bee pollen.

Used as a salve for burns and insect bites, including bee stings. Intended to only be used externally.

The root, bark and leaves when crushed and infused in a tea are used to treat diarrhea, reduce inflammation and stimulate the metabolism. As a gargle it treats sore throats, mouth ulcers and inflammation of the gums.

The roots of this plant are crushed and used as a tea or boiled and chewed to relieve coughs, diarrhea and general intestinal distress.

The seeds are used in soups and as porridge to lower blood pressure, help with blood clotting and relieve diarrhea.

The pods are used as a pain reliever when taken with food or drunk in a tea. Also used to treat arthritis and digestive distress. It is sometimes applied to wounds as a powder to increase blood flow and act as an antiseptic and anesthetic to numb the pain.
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The leaves and flowers are used as a tea to treat intestinal problems and nausea.

Considered by Native American tribes as an all-purpose medicinal treatment, the berries were pitted, dried and crushed into a tea or a poultice to treat a variety of ailments. These include coughs, colds, flu, nausea, inflammation and diarrhea. As a salve or poultice it is used to treat burns and wounds. The pit of the chokecherry – much like apple seeds – are poisonous in high concentrations. Be sure to pit the cherries if you’re considering this for any use.

Also known as purple coneflower, this is a classic Native American medicine that is used to strengthen the immune system, fight infections and fever. It also is used as an antiseptic and general treatment for colds, coughs and flu.

The oil from the leaves and roots is a common treatment when infused in a tea to treat coughs, sore-throat, flu and fever. It’s used to this day as an ingredient in cough drops.

A plant with a licorice flavor, this is used in a tea or chewed to relieve coughs, sore-throat, aid digestion, offer relief to diarrhea and was a general treatment for colds. It also is used as a poultice for eye relief and headaches.

Used to this day as a natural relief for fever and headaches – including severe headaches like migraines – it also can be used for digestive problems, asthma and muscle and joint pains.

Another fever remedy that also is used for general pain, itching and joint stiffness. It can be ingested as a tea or chewed, or crushed to a paste as a salve or poultice.

Another super plant in Native American medicine, the root was crushed and consumed with food, as a tea or a salve or poultice. Known to this day for its ability to aid digestive health, it also is anti-inflammatory, aids circulation and can relieve colds, coughs and flu, in addition to bronchitis and joint pain.

This is another contemporary herb that has a history that goes back across cultures for millennia. The roots were used by Native Americans as a food additive, a tea and a poultice to treat fatigue, boost energy, enhance the immune system and help with overall liver and lung function. The leaves and stems also were used, but the root has the most concentration of active ingredients.

Commonly thought of today as a source of allergies and sneezing, it was actually considered another all-in-one medicine by Native Americans. As a tea, an addition to food and a topical salve, it is used to treat conditions from bronchitis and chest congestion to colds, flu, inflammation, sore throats and as an antiseptic for cuts and abrasions.
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The berries, stems, flowers and leaves are used to topically treat bee stings and skin infections. As a tea, it is used to treat colds, headaches and sore throat. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

As a tea it is used to treat digestive problems and often mixed with other herbs or plants, such as aloe, to soothe muscles. It also is used to soothe toothaches and sore throat.

Roots and leaves can be used for coughs, colds, sore throats. The root also can be chewed to relieve toothaches.

As an infusion in tea or added to a salad or other food, this is a plant that has been used by Native Americans to treat inflammation, coughs and congestion and general lung afflictions. It is quite common and you probably have it growing in your backyard or somewhere close.
24. Passion flower:
The leaves and roots are used to make a tea to treat anxiety and muscle pain. A poultice for injuries to the skin such as burns, insect bites and boils also can be made from passion flower.

25. Red clover:
It grows everywhere and the flowers, leaves and roots are usually infused in a tea or are used to top food. It is used to manage inflammation, improve circulation and treat respiratory conditions.

This is the red to orange berry that is the fruit of wild roses. It is already known to be a massive source of vitamin C and when eaten whole, crushed into a tea or added to food it is used to treat colds and coughs, intestinal distress, as an antiseptic and to treat inflammation.

A member of the pine family and used in food and as a tea to treat muscle pain, improve circulation and as a general cleanser for the metabolism.

A far-reaching shrub across much of North America, it is a natural insect repellent and can be used for the standard list of digestive disorders, colds and sore throat.

Used consistently by Native American tribes for treatment of coughs, colds, respiratory distress and as a cure for diarrhea and a stimulant for blood circulation.

The root as an infusion in a tea relieves muscle aches, pain and is said to have a calming effect.

Ubiquitous and the needles and the inner bark can be infused in a tea. Used as a standard treatment for respiratory distress and chest congestion.
If you’re an expert on herbal healing procedures i’m certain you can add many to this list. natural treatments are well worth considering each from an historical and potentially practical factor-of-view. just make sure you become aware of them well and test together with your medical doctor before any use. Please feel free to leave comments about your thoughts and knowledge about herbal remedies and Native American herbal medicine. If you can refer a book or suggest anything that will help and support someone that would be great, after all we all are here to share our skills and knowledge and care and support each other.